Softroves Grievance Redressal Policy

At Softroves, we strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers and stakeholders. We understand that there may be instances where concerns or grievances arise, and we are committed to addressing them promptly and effectively. To ensure a fair and transparent process, we have established a Grievance Redressal Policy that outlines the steps for lodging a complaint and the actions we take to resolve it.

Scope and Applicability: This policy applies to all customers, employees, vendors, partners, and any other individual or entity associated with Softroves. Definition of Grievance: A grievance refers to any form of dissatisfaction, concern, or complaint related to Softroves' products, services, policies, employees, or any other aspect of our operations.

Channels for Lodging a Grievance: We provide multiple channels through which individuals can lodge a grievance: Direct communication with Softroves' customer support team via phone, email, or chat. Submitting a written complaint through our official website or physical correspondence to Softroves' registered address. For employees, raise the grievance through the designated internal communication or Human Resources channels.

Grievance Resolution Process: Our grievance redressal process follows these steps: a. Step

1: Lodging the Grievance The complainant must provide relevant details regarding the grievance, including their contact information, the nature of the issue, and any supporting documentation. b. Step

2: Grievance Acknowledgment Softroves will acknowledge the receipt of the grievance within a specified timeframe and provide a unique reference number for future correspondence. c. Step

3: Investigation and Evaluation Softroves will conduct a fair and impartial investigation to assess the grievance. This may involve collecting additional information, interviewing relevant parties, or reviewing pertinent records. d. Step

4: Grievance Resolution Once the investigation is complete, Softroves will take appropriate actions to address the grievance. This may include corrective measures, compensatory actions, or any other suitable resolution based on the nature of the complaint. e. Step

5: Communication of Resolution Softroves will communicate the resolution to the complainant in a clear and timely manner. If necessary, the company may also provide guidance on further escalation avenues.

Escalation: If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution provided, they have the option to escalate the matter to higher levels within Softroves, such as senior management or the designated escalation committee. Contact information for the escalation points will be provided during the grievance resolution process.

Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation: Softroves ensures that all grievances are handled with strict confidentiality. We prohibit any form of retaliation against individuals who lodge a complaint in good faith.

Record Keeping: Softroves maintains records of all grievances, including the details of the complaint, investigation, and resolution. These records are securely stored and used for internal analysis and improvement of our processes. Please note that this is a general overview of Softroves' Grievance Redressal Policy. The actual policy may contain additional details and procedures specific to Softroves' operations. For accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to the official policy documents or contact Softroves directly.

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